Descriptions of personal datafiles


Satotukku Oy’s activities require the processing of personal data. The basis for the processing of personal data is the customer relationship, other factual connection, or consent provided by the customer. Personal data is used to e.g., manage the customer relationship, to carry out customer satisfaction and other surveys, and for product presentations, sales, invoicing, and customer communications. Job applicants’ and employees’ personal data is also processed. Satotukku pays particular attention to the customer’s privacy and personal data protection and follows good data processing practices.

Personal data is primarily collected from the customer themselves.

Satotukku may also collect data on website visitors’ terminal devices using cookies and other equivalent technology. Primarily, the collected data is not disclosed outside of Satotukku.

According to the Finnish Data Protection Act, [K1] every data subject has the right to access the data that has been recorded concerning them in the personal data file. The request for access must be submitted in writing and signed by the data subject themselves. Please send written requests for access to the address:

Satotukku Oy
Data Protection Expert
Tuupakantie 32
01740 Vantaa

When requesting data, the data subject should provide their name, address and personal ID number, and state whether they request access to all relevant data, data relating to a certain issue, or data from a specific period.

The customer has the right to request the rectification, erasure, or completion of personal data recorded about them in the personal data file that is inaccurate, obsolete, incomplete, or unnecessary with regard to the purpose of data processing. 

Description of customer and marketing data file
The right to object refers to the data subject’s right to object to the controller’s use of the data subject’s data for direct marketing. The data subject may also withdraw previous consent to direct marketing at any time by sending a notice of their objection to the email address

More information on personal data processing is available below in the description of the personal data file based on Satotukku’s customer relationships and other factual connections.

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1. Controller

Satotukku Oy
Tuupakantie 32
01740 Vantaa
Tel. 010 581 6000
Business ID 0113698-9

2. Person responsible for data file matters

Maarit Riikonen
Tuupakantie 32
01740 Vantaa 
Tel. 010 581 6006

3. Name of data file

Satotukku Oy’s customer and marketing data file.

4. Purpose of personal data processing

Personal data is processed in order to manage, analyse and develop customer relationships and other factual connections, for example to maintain customer data, complete opinion surveys and customer satisfaction surveys, and to carry out customer communication, marketing, invoicing, sales, as well as the distribution of product information.

The controller processes contact information as follows:
- Personal data is processed in confidence
- Marketing of the controller’s products
- Contacting competition participants and winners
- Development of the controller’s business activities and related customer service

5. Content of the data file

The data file may comprise the following personal data:
- name
- contact information (address, telephone number, email address)

Data relating to a customer relationship or other factual connection:
- customer number
- date on which customer relationship began
- complaints, feedback and other contact, communication and procedures relating to the customer relationship or other factual connection
- marketing procedures targeted to the data subject, use of the procedures and data provided for their use
- direct marketing consent and objections

6. Regular sources of data

Personal data concerning customers is collected from the customer with their consent (Data Protection Act).

7. Disclosure and transfer of data

Primarily, the data is not disclosed outside of Satotukku Oy. Data may, however, be disclosed to the extent permitted and whenever obligated by valid legislation. The data on the data file will not be disclosed outside of the EU or European Economic Area.

8. Protection of the data file

Data file data to be processed electronically is protected by firewalls, passwords and other necessary technical measures widely accepted in the field of data security.

Manually maintained material is located in facilities to which unauthorised access is prevented.

Only the specified employees of the controller’s company and companies commissioned or acting on behalf of the controller may access the data on the data file with an individual access right conferred by the controller.

9. Right of access, right to object, and right to rectification

Pursuant to the Data Protection Act, the data subject has the right to access the data that has been collected about them on the data file. A request for access should be submitted to the person responsible for data file matters. The request must be in writing and signed by the data subject. A request for access may also be submitted to the controller in person.

The data subject has the right to prohibit the controller from processing and disclosing personal data about them for the purposes of direct advertising, distance selling, other direct marketing, market research, and opinion polls by contacting the controller.

The data subject has the right to request the rectification of inaccurate data by contacting the controller.

In matters relating to access, data subjects shall be served by:

Satotukku Oy 
Maarit Riikonen
010 581 6006
Tuupakantie 32
01740 Vantaa


1. Controller

Satotukku Oy
Tuupakantie 32
01740 Vantaa
Tel. 010 581 6000
Business ID 0113698-9

2. Person responsible for data file matters

Marika Vuori
Tuupakantie 32
01740 Vantaa
Tel. 010 581 6000

3. Name of data file

Stakeholder data file.

4. Purpose of personal data processing

Personal data is processed for communication and information between Satotukku Oy and its stakeholders.

5. Content of the data file

The data file contains data required for implementing the purpose for which the personal data is used:
- name
- title/position
- employer
- contact information (address, telephone number, email address)

The data on the data file will be erased immediately when its purpose no longer requires its storage, unless the controller is obligated by legislation or authorities to store the data.

6. Regular sources of data

Data is collected from the data subject (e.g., during meetings or other points of contact). Data may also be collected from external sources, such as from the printed press, publicly available internet and other sources, and from data files maintained by external service providers.

7. Disclosure and transfer of data

Data is not disclosed outside of Satotukku Oy, nor transferred outside of the European Union or European Economic Area.

8. Protection of the data file

Data file data to be processed electronically is protected by firewalls, passwords and other necessary technical measures widely accepted in the field of data security.

Manually maintained material is located in facilities to which unauthorised access is prevented.

Only specified employees of the controller’s company and companies commissioned or acting on behalf of the controller who have signed non-disclosure agreements, or on whom a decree or national legislation in itself sets controller obligations to protect personal data, may access the data file with an individual access right conferred by the controller.

9. Right of access, right to object, and right to rectification

The data subject has the right to access the data that has been collected about them on the data file. A request for access should be submitted to the person responsible for data file matters. The request must be in writing and signed by the data subject. A request for access may also be submitted to the controller in person.

The data subject has the right to prohibit the controller from processing and disclosing personal data about them for the purposes of direct advertising, distance selling, other direct marketing, market research, and opinion polls by contacting the controller.

The data subject has the right to request the rectification of inaccurate data by contacting the controller.


1. Controller

Satotukku Oy
Tuupakantie 32
01740 Vantaa
Tel. 010 581 6000
Business ID 0113698-9

2. Person responsible for data file matters

Kaisa Malmberg
Tuupakantie 32
01740 Vantaa
Tel. 010 581 6041

3. Name of data file

Job applicant data file.

4. Purpose of personal data processing

Recruitment needs, processing of job applications and subsequent needs.

5. Content of the data file

Personal data is processed in confidence.
- name
- date of birth
- address
- telephone number
- email address
- basic education and qualifications, with date of completion
- other training
- application and software skills
- special skills
- language proficiency
- current job (employer, title and job description)
- most significant previous jobs (employer, title and job description)
- references

6. Regular sources of data

Applicant’s data and attachments, submitted electronically or in paper format.

7. Regular disclosure of data and data transfer outside of the EU or EEA

Data is not disclosed or transferred outside of the EU or European Economic Area.

Data is not disclosed outside of Satotukku Oy.

8. Principles of data file protection

Paper documents are stored in a locked facility which is only accessible by authorised persons.

Data stored on the IT system is stored in a centrally locked and monitored ICT server hall. It is protected by firewalls and other technical measures. Data may only be accessed by authorised persons who are required to log in to the system using individual user credentials.

9. Right of access, right to object, and right to rectification

The data subject has the right to access the data that has been collected about them on the data file. A request for access should be submitted to the person responsible for data file matters. The request must be in writing and signed by the data subject. A request for access may also be submitted to the controller in person.

The data subject has the right to prohibit the controller from processing and disclosing personal data about them for the purposes of direct advertising, distance selling, other direct marketing, market research, and opinion polls by contacting the controller.

The data subject has the right to request the rectification of inaccurate data by contacting the controller.


1. Controller

Satotukku Oy
Tuupakantie 32
01740 Vantaa
Tel. 010 581 6000
Business ID 0113698-9

2. Person responsible for data file matters

Henrik Österman
Tuupakantie 32
01740 Vantaa
Tel. 010 581 6000

3. Name of data file

Camera surveillance data file.

4. Purpose of personal data processing

The purpose of camera surveillance is to protect the controller’s property, to monitor activity in the loading and parking areas, to prevent crime, and to aid investigations into crimes that have been committed. Surveillance also aims to ensure and increase the safety of the controller and its customers.

We comply with all legislative rules set for camera surveillance operations.

5. Content of the data file

Footage from cameras operating in Satotukku Oy’s camera surveillance area. Individuals may be identified from the recorded footage, as can the surveillance area, date, and time. The cameras are located as follows:

·       property entrances
·       loading and parking areas

6. Regular sources of data

Footage transmitted by cameras operating in Satotukku Oy’s camera surveillance area.

7. Regular disclosure of data and data transfer outside of the EU or EEA

Data may be disclosed to the police in the event of criminal activity.

8. Principles of data file protection

Camera surveillance recordings are stored in a locked cabinet in a locked facility accessed only by authorised persons. Recordings reviewed by: authorised person responsible and their deputy.

Recordings are stored for the time required for the purpose of personal data processing. The storage time varies by technical solution, but is a maximum of 60 days from the date on which the image or footage was recorded, unless a longer time is necessary for individual cases, taking into account the purpose of the data file.


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