NOTE for our partners! Due to widespread identity theft, always check that a person who orders any products or services on Satotukku’s behalf is authorized to do so.
Fruit and Vegetables from Satotukku!
Satotukku Oy is one of the biggest independent fruit and vegetable wholesalers in Finland. Satotukku is a noteworthy supplier of domestically grown vegetables, and we also import vegetables from around 15 other countries. Deliveries arrive and leave Satotukku around the clock, and with a fast inventory turnover we are able to provide our customers with fresh and crisp products 24/7.
NOTE for our partners! Due to widespread identity theft, always check that a person who orders any products or services on Satotukku’s behalf is authorized to do so.

Five a Day
Did you know that one half of the recommended ‘five a day’ should come from vegetables and the other half from fruit and/or berries?
This equals roughly five medium-sized fruits or a pound / half a kilo of vegetables. Eat a variety of fruit and vegetables, including different colours: red tomatoes, green broccoli, yellow peppers, white celeriac and purple grapes. The recommended five daily portions translate to a diverse diet.
Satotukku's wide range of products gives you a chance to create a variety of fruit and vegetable mixes and vitamin bombs!
Learn about our products